Clinical Introduction to Medical Acupuncture
Clinical Introduction to Medical Acupuncture provides a comprehensive guide to the theory and practice of acupuncture in medicine. Western medical practitioners in family medicine, physical and rehabilitation medicine, pain medicine, neurology, oncology, gynaecology, dentistry and other specialties will find key information on how to integrate Traditional Chinese Medicine into everyday practice.
Synopsis: Clinical Introduction to Medical Acupuncture provides a comprehensive guide to the theory and practice of acupuncture in medicine. Western medical practitioners in family medicine, physical and rehabilitation medicine, pain medicine, neurology, oncology, gynaecology, dentistry and other specialties will find key information on how to integrate Traditional Chinese Medicine into everyday practice.
Category: MBS
Publisher: Thieme Medical Publishers
Date Published: 2007
Book Condition: Very good hardcover showing bumping to spine edges and corners of covers and some cover wear. Otherwise, a clean and tight copy internally.
ISBN: 3131382716
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